The Trademark Process

The Trademark Process does not have to be overwhelming or scary. We handle all trademark matters on a flat fee basis and remain in contact with you through the whole process. We provide information in words you can actually understand and empower you in the process. Get your free trademarks checklist here!

Our flat-fee pricing guarantees no surprise bills!


Are you ready to protect your brand? If so, the steps below outline the process each new trademark must go through for registration. Don’t worry, we will help you each step of the way as part of our flat fee.

Step One


This is where we do a deep analysis of your mark to ensure it has a strong chance of proceeding to registration. We analyze availability and eligibility and return the results in a report.

Step Two


Once you give us the green light after receiving your report, we then file your application with the USPTO office.

Step Three


In approximately 3 months after filing, your application will be signed to an Examining Attorney (EA). The EA will be the attorney who will analyze and review your application and mark.

  • Sometimes the EA will issue a request for more information in the form of an Office Action. Office Action comes in 2 flavors: Substantive and Non Substantive

  • Substantive Office Actions come in the form of refusals. These require legal analysis and potentially drafting.

  • Non-Substantive Office Actions are common. These are usually requested for clarification of goods or services, proof of use, address clarification, and more. These are included in your flat fee.

Step Four


About 4-6 months after your application has been filed, and all office actions have been resolved, your trademark will be published for opposition. This is a period of 30 days where your mark can be opposed by anyone who might have a claim for the same or similar name.

Step Five


If no one opposes your mark, 11 weeks after your mark is published for opposition it will register! That means you will own a Registered Trademark!

Flat Fee for a New Trademark: $1,850

Includes filing fees for one class!

Step Six: Enforce It

* Does not include filing fees.