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Navigating Legal Mumbo Jumbo
An understanding between 2 or more people that is in writing. Contract and Agreement are the same thing in our world!
Giving your rights, or obligations, to another party.
The agreement on how a corporation will be run. This is required for corporations, but typically not filed with the state.
An understanding between 2 or more people that is in writing. Contract and Agreement are the same thing in our world!
A legal mechanism that protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.
Commonly referred to as a “logo” this is a trademark that has design elements and not just words.
Unforeseeable circumstances that prevent the performance of a contract.
Soliciting money for your business is usually in exchange for equity in a for-profit corporation. In a non for profit, this can mean simply raising money without providing equity. The term is used for both business types.
Things you create for your business. This includes trademarks and copyrights.
What state/county you are giving the power to decide your legal situation.
This is a business entity that is formed with your STATE. Typically filed with the Secretary of State. LLC owners are called “Members”.
This is a business entity that is formed with your STATE. Typically filed with the Secretary of State. This does NOT give you non-profit tax status with the IRS but it is usually the first step towards that result.
The agreement between the owners and the limited liability company. This is required for LLCs, but typically is not filed with the state. S Corporation: This is the TAX status filed and accepted by the IRS.
An image that shows your trademark in use with the goods or services. (It has to have BOTH your trademark and the goods or services.) This is requested by the USPTO when you file a trademark application.
A Specimen and additional information about the dates of use and proof of use.
A source identifier, either a word or logo, that is tied to a good or service in commerce. Examples: Nike swoosh symbol, McDonalds, Apple, Apple logo, etc..
These are the people that examine and review trademark applications and patent applications.
The location you will have to go to if there is a legal dispute.
A trademark that is only a name without any design element.
Tax status that a Non Profit receives only after they have applied for such status and been approved by the IRS.
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